Sunday, 4 November 2012

c-change is here....

Hello and welcome to the first blog of the University of Brighton's new and exciting c-change campaign. This first blog will be an introduction to what c-change is and how you can be more involved if you fancy it!!

What is c-change?

Simply put c-change is a campaign to help the university reach its ambitious carbon reduction goal of 50% in five years. c-change is about informing and empowering staff, students and visitors to the university to make the decision to reduce carbon emissions wherever possible. c-change will be backed up by other technical developments around the university that will also help to reduce carbon emissions.

c-change will inform the university community about different activities that are carbon intensive and suggest small actions that individuals can take to reduce these impacts. These actions may be as small as ensuring that all lights and computers are switched off when leaving the office at the end of the day, or if possible taking the stairs rather than jumping in the lift.

Where will c-change be happening?

Everywhere! c-change will be happening on all campuses across the university and in the halls of residence. We will be on campus as much as possible starting with our launch events, in information for which can be found on our website

c-change is also online. There is the website under the sustainability pages on the University of Brighton website. You can follow c-change on twitter by following @_cchange_ and on Facebook through the page University of Brighton c-change Campaign

Can you get involved?

Of course you can!! First up we have the launch events that everyone can get involved with. These events offer an opportunity to come and find out more about the campaign and also see who is behind it. You can also get involved by joining in the conversation online.

Later in the campaign c-change will establish a champion scheme for both staff and students to get involved with so keep your eyes peeled!

So in a nutshell, that is what c-change is and what it hopes to achieve. We hope to see you at one of our many launch events starting on the 5th November in sunny Hastings!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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